Purchasing a ticket and entering the event would mean that you are agreeable to all the terms and conditions stated out below:
  • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is in use at all times of the event. Footage may be used for safety and/or security purposes.
  • Bicycles, scooters, and all other electronic mobility devices (hoverboards etc.) are not permitted within the event grounds during the event timings. Prior permission will have to be sought with Event Organiser before the event if it is necessary to be used.
  • All attendees will have to register at the Registration Counter before entering the event grounds. Only upon the issuance of a wristband will attendees be allowed in, and security checks will be done to ensure that right wristbands are worn for the different zones. Wristbands have to be worn at all times. The Event Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission and to remove persons from the venue for any reason including behaviour likely to cause damage, nuisance, offence to others or for failure to comply.
  • All exhibitors will have to wear their lanyard at all times. The Event Organiser reserves the right to ask for proof of identification if it is not found on the exhibitor.
  • Children below the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Alcohol will be served at the event, and they are to be consumed at licensed areas only.
  • Your attendance at the event constitutes your approval and permission for filming and audio recording for the Event Organiser to make full use of the recordings and the footage taken without any recourse to you.
  • The Event Organiser is not responsible for any loss, injury or damage, however caused, to you.
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